The stage is dark, as the lights slowly fade up on a man standing downstage right. He is the Playwright.

Playwright: (As he looks out into the audience) ... Don't put the spotlight on me, I don't know what to say ... (Vehemently, as he looks towards the light booth) ... I said don't put the spotlight on me, I don't know what to say ...!

(The lights quickly fade to black, as a silence fills the stage and he speaks through the darkness)

Playwright continued: "... Write about what you know ..." That, I suppose, is the general rule of thumb ... So where does that leave
me ...? I don't know this, I don't know this at all ... Couldn't understand it if I tried ... No, no, I can't write about this ...

Voice From The Wings: And yet there is a part of you that needs too!

Playwright: (As he looks to the wings) Needs to do something, yes! But, to write about it?! No!

Voice From The Wings: You've observed things!

Playwright: I have! I have indeed! Observed and felt and imagined things!

Voice From The Wings: Tell us! Let us act it out!

Playwright: I can't do that!

Voice From The Wings: Why?!

More Voices From The Wings: Yeah, Why?! Why?! (Etc.! Etc.!)

Playwright: Because I'm afraid ...! (A silence fills the theatre) ... Because I'm confused ...! Because what I've seen, what I've observed, what I've imagined may not be what's needed right now. In fact, I may just make matters worse!

Voice From The Wings: But how do you know?!

Playwright: Just leave me be ...! Please ...! (A silence fills the theatre)

(Still not seen, the actors are heard exiting the wings, as the Playwright is surprisingly taken aback. He visually contemplates a moment and then speaks towards the wings)

Playwright continued: ... I've seen families on the television and I've been curious about them ...! (A silence fills the theatre, as the exiting of the actors has no doubt stopped) ... I've seen strangers speak to strangers and I've been affected by them ...! I've heard the religious
speak of religion, the races speak of race, the youth begin to question and our new heroes with conscience on their face! Aah poetry ...!

(A silence fills the theatre, as he starts to remove a pen from his breast pocket and a few sheets of paper from his back pocket)

Playwright continued: ... So this is really what you want from me ...?! My take on it all ...?! (The actors all say, "yes," "absolutely," that sort of thing) ... Well, you got it ... Actors on stage! Your talents are
needed ...! (As he looks to the light booth) ... And you! You, up there in that light booth! Put these stage lights on! Put these stage lights
on now ...!

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