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Shed (September 11, 2001) is a piece I started shortly after the Trade Towers terrorist attack. When I got home to Brooklyn from work on the 11th, my floor was covered with a fine dust since my windows had been open.

Sometime after the 11th, I found this light gray piece of paper in my inventory of papers and selected it because of its color, which was similar to the color of the layer of dust in my apartment. Beginning on the top of the page, I started cutting out tears from the paper, all the time thinking about the 3,000 people that lost their lives and how many tears their family, friends, the whole community, and me had shed after the devastating events of September 11. Needless to say, it took me quite some time to cut out tears from the whole sheet of paper, so there were many months where part of my time was spent thinking about that day. The work, which was made in such a direct and process-oriented way, was in many ways a meditation on loss. And because the drawing is created through cutting away, it's a physical manifestation of absence and loss, the very essence of what happened on September 11, 2001.