The Thread Project: One World, One Cloth
Elpis, the personification of hope, cried out to be set free after Pandora's Box had been opened. Elpis knew that a world without hope topples into despair. The purple cloth, woven in the aftermath of 9/11, celebrates the power and promise of hope. The buttons, created by clay artisit Susan Ryles, spell hope in more than a dozen languages.
Mayan weavers in Guatemala wove the third panel from the left on a back-strap loom, using a technique thousands of years old; the panel later hung in the United Nations as part of the 2006 Indigenous Exhibit.
Weavers of Hope Materializing
~Judity Krone, Georgia
~150 Peacemakers, conference in Georgia
~Cojolya Association of Maya Women Weavers, Guatemala
~Charlotte Webb, South Carolina
~Heather Kennedy Powers, Georgia
~Brenda Cameron, Colorado
Sarah Hendershot Simpson, North Carolina