That Ill-Fated Morn

I was there – on that ill-fated morn!
My heart throbbed, as I watched;
I fell on my knees and prayed
For my loved ones not to be gone!

I watched with horror, that demonic spell,
As it swept from floor to floor;
I cried for mercy from the Creator,
For that scene didn't look too well!

I yelled their names – so many of them!
I prayed for their lives to be spared;
I sat on the ground with wide-pierced eyes,
As I dried my tears, with my hem.

The horror grew worst, as you've seen, and read,
As the second monster slammed into its walls;
I tried to run, but couldn't gather the nerves
As the entire scene spun through my head.

So loudly, I screamed, as one tower fell,
I knew then, that I really must run!
My way, I paved amidst the scary, black fog
While my family prayed, I could tell!

That ill-fated morn, I will never forget!
Memories remain strong of that awful sight!
Oh, that spell was far too much to bear!
With great pride, people joined hands, you bet!
- Joan D. Hamilton

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