Details -

This piece is dedicated to my older and only sister, JeanMarie Wallendorf and all those that were lost within the WTC. Every year I create a piece and this one was one of the hardest.

For many, it's another day. I wish it could be another day for me. I realize I like to be left alone on Sept.11. At first, all I want is company, then all I want is to let my mind wander aimlessly into thinking that my only sister is still here. I catch myself staring at her photo and coming to the realization that she isn't here and it doesn't feel real. Sometimes it's as if she never existed with the way my mind hides things. Yet, there she is- painted in my art, my thoughts, photos scatted on the walls. Do my eyes avoid them? A talking Wrinkles puppet lays on my bed, I turn it on to savor her memories that she shared with it as a child. Hold onto it like she just sat it down. I fear to forget her voice, I fear to forget her smile and personality. I aspire to be as beautiful and smart as she was and can only hope she is watching me and proud of me. I wish there was a way to know. I wish I could talk to her. I need her. My heart won't let go.

I love you so much, Jaime. I can hide it all I want and try to be brave and strong hearted, but deep inside, my heart breaks every year. I wish I could hug you so tight like we did the last time I saw you. You told me not to cry and that I'd see you again soon. I miss you so badly.

Technical info:

Sketched in pencil on an Earthbound recycled sketchbook. Scanned and colored within Photoshop CS3.

There wasn't as much symbolism in this piece outside of time. Time healing wounds. In High School I made a dedication video to my sister literally after 9/11 in my video class. It featured Enya's song "Only Time" and since then that song has always had significance with my sister.