An Empty Space
by Bob Eschenbrenner

listen time stopped
and history it awoke
on that September day
in the ash and the smoke
before and after
a date torn from time
on Liberty and Church
at the scene of the crime

there’s an empty space in the skyline
and no words to be found
there’s an empty space too big to fill
when they fell fell to the ground
and I’m in the crosswalk listening
to the thunder crashing down
there’s an empty space in the skyline
and no words to be found
no words to be found

in this city of dreams
hope still fights for its share
when I see his face on a poster
at the corner of Union Square
and I’m listening to what’s missing
it follows me around
and I see the smoke still rising
from the ashes on the ground

I remember a man
in a blue suit and tie
he held a deck of cards
as he fell from the sky
and in my dreams
I see him again and again
the airplanes flying
and the falling man

years after the planes
and I’m still watching the sky
while down on these city streets
the crowd chases another day gone by
and we move on to the next thing
but the feelings they don’t fade away
they just hide in the shadows
with the memories from that September day

there’s an empty space in the skyline
and no words to be found
there’s an empty space too big to fill
when they fell fell to the ground
and I’m in the crosswalk listening
to the thunder crashing down
there’s an empty space in the skyline
and no words to be found
no words to be found

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