The day they hit the towers I was an ordinary man,
Policeman, Fireman…I’ll do what I can.

Co-worker, stranger, just give me your hand,
We’ll make it together, we’ll make it our stand.

Whether one thousand, just one, or two
I’ll get you out of this danger you’ve gotten into.

Hold onto me, I’ll lead the way,
We have to leave NOW, we cannot stay.

Why they have done this no one can know,
Only 40 more floors still to go!

Your life is so much more important than mine…
We’re already down to floor number nine.

Some of your friends you’ve already lost,
Hurry! The building is crumbling to dust!

We’re onto the street, but continue to run
For this is a terrible thing that’s been done.

Now you are safe… I have to return,
Back to the buildings so torn and burned.

As I turn to run toward the dust and flame,
You yell after me, “What is your Name?..

Unable to speak, into the smoke I ran,
My name you know…..
It’s fellow man.

Copyright  2001
Dennis P. Dalton
All Rights Reserved

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