Tower, Tower
September 11, 2001

Tower, Tower where are you?
Oh shining buildings in the new day’s sun,
Waiting for people who get work done.

Tower, Tower where are you?
Gashed by knives from Birds of prey,
Life is not the same as yesterday.

Tower, Tower where are you?
Falling into a flaming cloud of dust,
Unleashing sadness in all of us.

Tower, Tower we know you’re gone,
The agony and the cleanup will be long.
The loss of life was so great,
Why is the world so full of hate?

Tower, Tower thanks for shelter from snow, wind and rain,
Now all we have is broken glass, rubble and pain.
So many hurt in the attack,
But a building can be put back.

Thanks to the firemen, policemen and volunteers,
You received cheers and navigated though the river of tears.
You gave with all your heart,
You stood united right from the start.

Keep the memories of loved ones forever and strong,
People of the world: Life’s too short not to get along.
The good people of every religion and creed,
Will bring to justice the ones responsible for this horrendous deed.

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