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At that time I was studying the behaviour of people at entertaintment centers, thought I own a design studio working for entertainment companies. I was amazed to see the incredible amount of people waiting in line to have access to the observation deck at "the top of the world" in the World Trade Centter.

In some previous trips I got myself to the top of the towers, but at this time, in May 2000, I prefered to take pictures of people in line waiting to reach NewYork sky.

Those photos are for me right now, the memory of another time. A time when we could all still believe the world was a place turning better and better day by day. A place where we could reach the sky if we wanted.

I hope 9/11 memorial would bring peace and rest for all the people that loose their lives and for the families that are still stand.

I also hope the Memorial would bring an optimistic new view for all of us, inviting to believe again that no matter what, we can still make our world a better place.