Details -

Drawing Number One

Let me tell you about the first drawing reproduced on the following page. What I see in the image is the merging of good and evil symbolized by the creature having only one angelic wing.

I took this drawing and others to a coffee house inFt. Myers, Florida where local artists gather. There were a number of artists there when I arrived, and a young woman started looking at the drawings but kept going back to this first drawing she then asked if I would mind if her associate looked at the piece. A young man appeared, studied the drawing and began asking me questions, centered around my knowledge of the Wicca religion of which I knew nothing. He suggested that for my own good that I look into the subject. I later followed up on his comment. This is what I learned.

A five pointed star enclosed in a circle, a pentagram, has had symbolic meaning for followers of many religions and cults since before the birth of Christ. The five points have been identified individually with the ancient "elements" earth, fire, air, water, and man's spirit or psyche.

Additionally, there is symbolism attached to how the star of the pentagram is oriented. A star with a single point upward and two pointing down has been identified as the symbol of witches, warlocks and the mystical religion of Wicca.

Wicca, with some distant ancient concepts, is a twentieth century non-traditional religious development with followers of diverse beliefs associated with witchcraft. Adherents worship a God and Goddess others are monotheistic and some are atheists.

A star with two points upward and one pointing down, an inverted pentagram, is a symbol used by the church of Satan, often confused with the Wiccan symbol. Some sources also note that the pentagram was worn by early Christians, possibly to represent the wounds of Christ.

Without going any further, the apparent depiction of a pentagram in the beast's abdomen in this drawing may have religious or occult significance, which concept it may be, I cannot say.