Details -

Drawing Number Three

This drawing appears to be a dragon of some type.
Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a bodies like that of a huge lizards, or a snakes with two pairs of lizard-type legs and able to emit fire from their mouths. The european dragon has bat-type wings growing from its back. A dragon-like creature with no front legs is known as a wyvern. The wyvern has a distinctive two legged stance and its wings are true wings derived from forelimbs like those of bats or birds. Sometimes these wings are depicted as hands. Following discovery of how peterosaurs walked on the ground, some dragons have been portrayed without front legs and using the wings as front legs pterosaur-fashion when on the ground.

In many cultures dragons are viewed as representing the primal forces in nature and the universe. They can alternately breathe fire, poison or ice. These abilities demonstrate that they are both creators and destroyers.

We all know that it is said that all works of art are in the eye of the beholder, so you may see something in this drawing and the others that I do not, and that is quite all right.