It’s opening night
Red carpet, Kleeg lights
Twilight descends
Over the big city

Three miles away
It's the end of the day
I emerge from the pit
And climb in the van

Traveling North from the battlefront
The hurt is evident
By silent stares
That speak volumes to me

And as we exit the frozen zone
People on the median, waving flags
Applauding us
As though we were heroes or something

All those beautiful faces
Their patriotism and support on display
Will never know
How much that meant to us

And as I wave to our “fans”
From the back of the van
I realize that I am smiling
And in the distance, I see the statue

Her torch aglow
The sun hanging low
The river glistening in the light
And I will remember this moment forever

For New York is never more pretty
Than in the twilight
Of this beautiful city
Even while she bleeds from her heart

Christopher M. Kelly rev 041111

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