The Harley’s thunder rumbles near

‘Tis the only sound that you can hear

An azure sea is standing still

As an emerald band marches o’er the hill

Silence stirs in broken hearts

On shoulders high the spirit departs

The ocean swells, white crests upon blue

Salutations for life’s champion begin to ensue

And now the Anthem of the Orphan plays again

For Heroes slain by hands of evil men

Where pipes and drums and trumpets moan

Heartache and sorrow are felt in drones

So tonight when you lay your babes to bed

Pray for those whose eyes are red

Eyes that weep all through the night

Eyes in search of their gallant knight

Pray for those whose hearts are broken

Who long to hear sweet words unspoken

Arms that yearn for that warm embrace

And a loving kiss placed upon their face

Lord; make us all instruments of your peace

Let us remember that life is a lease

And may we never have to hear this song again

No more Anthems for an Orphan played, Amen.

Christopher M. Kelly rev. 09/07/13

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