Last night I had a lovely dream
I saw him standing there
A tall young man in coveralls
The wind swept through his hair

He stood upon a mountaintop
Emblazoned by the sun
Beside an eagle aerie
stood the chosen one

I trampled through a sullen wood
An attempt to blaze a path
To bow before a patriot
Beyond the grapes of wrath

Climbing up the mountainside
I had fallen many times
His love would not forsake me now
Though thorns cut through my sides

I'm near you now, I'm near you!
I've come to take you home!
If only I could reach her peak
And see the setting sun

High above the tree line now
I bent to take a drink
From the cascading waters of Avalon
I paused a moment to think;

How foolish I must seem to him
To think that I might stand
On a hero trodden footpath
Beside this courageous man

For his heart was filled with valor
While courage imbibed his soul
And hero is far too small a word
To properly extol

Alas in all of God's Glory
I saw his smiling face
He held me in his burly arms
And wiped my tears with lace

He said to me in Heaven
There is a place like this
Where one day you will know his love
And feel his tender kiss

I beg you please don't leave me then
I'd be lost without you here
For I am not a noble one
Nor champion of men

Once again he smiled at me
His grin from ear to ear
As long as you believe in him
You'll never have to fear

For soon there will come a day of glory
When mortal hearts shall cease
The sun shall set upon your life
And you will be at peace

And when you see the phoenix rise
You will know that it is me
For I'll soar with you through the Gates of Heaven
Where in Paradise...forever we shall be

Christopher M. Kelly

Dear Tommy;
"Our pain is so great because our love is so strong"
Your family, your friends, your city, your country, are forever grateful, that you stepped upon this earth. May you rest in peace. With love, gratitude and admiration. And until we meet again.- Cousin Chris

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