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This Unforgiving Town
c. 2003 Laurie Early

The Hudson flows along the shore
Where orchards of steel grow
Each gleaming bough contains a tale
Of lives and loves below.
And every wave sings out its song
For shattered hearts needing repair
Who will be dressed in sorrow's gown
In this unforgiving town?

As sunlight wakes the morning sky
Our innocence a memory
An axeman wears a selfish smile
As he fells another tree.
The city's armor takes the blows
But yet the human damage shows
Who will be saved and who will drown
In this unforgiving town?

When twilight rolls upon the day
A dusty night time looms.
A flood of tears won't wash away
The pain caused by these wounds
And so we're called to higher ground
Because it's there that love is found
Who will be brave and who'll be brought down
In this unforgiving town?


My Lagan Love, the basic melody that inspired my variation, is over 500 years old. I have changed the Irish Traditional up a bit and have written new lyrics that reflect my impressions of September 11, 2001, the spirit of New York City in general, and some plot themes from my husband's film about New Yorkers entitled "Tribeca Nights." --Laurie Early