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As a student at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY in 1972, the desk in my dorm room sat facing the East River and lower Manhattan. Every day I watched the cranes lift the twin towers of the new WTC steadily upward. It was exciting to watch and, of course, I never imagined its ultimate destiny. Oddly enough, the painting in this link was begun on the 3rd of September 2001. It was intended to capture the haziness of spent jet fuel below an ascending airplane. My son had just flown out to Canada for school that day and I was feeling sad. I finished the painting on the 12th. What rose to the surface was very different from my original intention. It was as though the painting had taken charge and let me come along for the ride. "As on the Wings of a Dove" is dedicated to all those souls who lost their lives on that day, all those people whose hearts and lives were broken and the many rescuers who showed us unparalleled courage.

100 prints of this painting were taken to NYC and distributed to victims' families in the weeks that followed as a prayer for God's healing.