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Let Freedom Ring
Song Written by Kay Seamayer
(c)2001Let FreedomRingPublishing ASCAP

This video performance of Let Freedom Ring by Kay Seamayer was filmed at the National Dallas-Fort Worth Cemetery on Memorial Day, 2011 by VW Films and will be featured in a new full length documentary, "Time Capsule".

Kay has performed Let Freedom Ring in New York, Battery Park at the WTC Sphere Memorial - Philadelphia, July 4, 2003-04-05 - Independence Hall at the Let Freedom Ring National Bell Ringing Ceremony of the LIberty Bell (2 years with the Philadelphia Boys Choir and Chorale - National D-Day Museum in New Orleans with 150 pc combined Bayou Community/St. Charles Parish stage band and choir - Various Television Performances - Tribute to Martin Luther King - Mount Rushmore - and performed by numerous church and community choirs and bands across America.