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I was inspired to paint this picture on the afternoon of September 11, 2001. While listening to the tragedy unfold on the radio, one announcer made the statement that she hoped the rest of the people in the United States would not think that this was just a New York problem. She did not have to worry about that. Then the other announcer made the statement that his hope would be that future generations would not forget what happened that day. I started thinking about what I could do to paint something that one could look at years from now and realize what we had gone through. The print you have in front of you is the result.

Never has a painting gone together like this one. I took my dog for a walk in a nearby park and saw an eagle with his feathers ruffled up looking at me like he was angry. After that the painting just went together.
Creating the painting was the easiest part. Getting it out so people could see it was not so simple. Being interviewed by several TV stations and newspapers was a new experience for me. I have sent out prints to many TV networks, New York fire departments, etc. Receiving thanks from the fire stations, some individuals, and from the New York Police and Firemen's Widow and Orphan's Fund was very gratifying for me. I gave the original painting to the charity; the Freedom Scholarship Fund of America for their sale. But the sale never got off the ground. So I now have my copyrights and painting back. The original is a 48"x30" oil on linen entitled "Don't Tread on Me."

Throughout history artists have depicted beauty and love as well as tragedies. This is the only tragedy painting I have ever done. My hope is that it will be the last. If you can see merit in this painting, you may be able to help find a place to display it. If you hear of an art display of 9/11 related art, possibly in the on-site memorial to be built, I have neither the knowledge nor the resources to do this myself.

The letter you have just read was sent out with the prints of "Don't Tread on Me." There were 1,000 artist's proofs made. They are well distributed in and around New York City. They have been used as fund raisers by many fire departments. The remaining prints are for sale. The prints are 24"x16". Giclee prints on canvas also available in original size. Call 218-573-3412 for more information.

Please view a video and explanation of this image at the folowing Youtube link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS-u14PgEtI