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This painting is my personal tribute and memorial to the 911 disaster. When it was on display people would just stop and look at it, sometimes coming back several times, thus the name Silence. Silence is simple, there is very little to detract the viewers from the towers. The background has many layers of transparent paint that reflect multiple sensations of color that change when viewed from different angles. However the towers stay the same so that the viewer can reflect on their own thoughts and memories in their own personal way with no distractions.

Silence is 48x36 acrillic on canvas - for more information or your own print of this painting please contact Boyd Sharp at 218-573-3412, 24850 Washington Drive, Osage, MN 56570.

Please view my 911 painting at the following Youtube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS-u14PgEtI

Thanks -