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I was a member of the Air National Guard's 109th Airlift Wing out of Scotia, New York who was deployed to assist with the post 9-11 Ground Zero clean-up. I was in charge of a small contingent of troops responsible for issuing the security badges needed to access Ground Zero. Our office was on the first floor of the school PS89 and during slow moments I sketched this drawing of Ground Zero and the clean-up efforts onto a large dry erase board. A few years later, when I had forgotten all about the drawing, I received a phone call from a lady who claimed to have the original. She had tracked me down by my name, which I had left on the drawing somewhere and was asking permission to place the drawing in the 9-11 museum. I agreed and have heard nothing since. This is a photograph of my drawing that I took before we redeployed home. The next picture is a close-up of the actual Ground Zero area.

The caption under the sun states, "The sun still rises..."