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This painting was done in the weeks that followed 9/11 as a tribute to those that I saw suffering and dying within 20 miles from my home. It was a therapy to do something to help my feelings of hopelessness. It was reaching out a hand to a place I was familiar with, as I had studied art blocks from Ground Zero at New York Academy. I had painted a realistic memorial to first responders that hangs now in the town hall of Eastchester, but I still had the need for a deeper, more abstract expression during the post survivor stage. I have had this painting in storage for 10 years, and now feel it is time for it to find a home and be exhibited. It is done in the style of Picasso due to his graphic, modern expression of the harshness of good and evil. There is among the angst and death a message of hope and light depicted, in spite of the horror and insanity of mankind.