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Flames of Freedom depicts the tragic consequences of hate and envy that stunned the world on September 11, 2001. Although America was caught off guard, the terrorists had long been a threat. At the mid-left of the painting, the USS Cole is shown exploding after an attack in Yemen nearly a year prior to the assault on our home soil. The green eye of envy representing the hateful attitude towards the United States, is at the center of the conflict. The Statue of Liberty, her torch exploding with the flames of war, stands as sentinel over the New York Skyline. Ghosted images of the Twin Towers are partially hidden by Old Glory, and a more detailed version of the World Trade Center is exploding to the right. In the smoke that engulfs the upper portion of the picture next to the torch an image of God watcher over the scene. The upper left corner is filled with a light area symbolizing the hope of future peace.