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Created on September 11, 2010 while reflecting on memories of the terrorist attacks, this ink mandala honors the lives lost and heroes of that event. I turned the negative "Never Forget" into the positive "Always Remember", repeating the words in a banner outward in four directions diagonally for each of the four hijacked airplanes which creates four sections of repeating symbology. Centered on the twin towers in the middle, the symbolism begins with a design of the numbers and date 911 radiating vertically to form a cross with tears surrounding it, over NY. On each side of NY in each section is a design created from the letters WTC radiating outward. Next to each WTC design is a broken heart. The broken heart on the left in each section is formed from the letters FD, honoring the Fire Department. The broken heart on the right in each section is formed from the letters PD, honoring the Police Department. Below NY is a large tear falling on the 11. Around the circle the date repeats in the numbers 9 and 11. Below the central 11 in each section is a black ribbon honoring the lives lost. Around the perimeter are designs symbolizing the Flight 77 Pentagon attack and Flight 93: The design with the five elements symbolizes the Pentagon attack. The two designs on either side of the larger 11 in each corner symbolize Flight 93. The two arrow-like designs symbolize the crashes.