September 11, 2001 is a day forever written in the annals of American history, and forever engraved in the hearts of all who call themselves Americans.  The thousands who lost their lives that day and the thousands who have lost their lives since (because of 9/11) have paid the price for all of us who live today.  We cannot forget them, nor can we forget those who still suffer and hurt.  It was with these thoughts in mind, that this music was created.It began when Paul Kahan and his wife Carol Maier were introduced to me by a mutual friend, “Rease” Roche.  Rease knew that Paul had written lyrics in the ‘60’s and 70’s and he also knew that I also had a musical background.  It was Rease who first suggested that Paul and I should collaborate.  As time went by Paul and I would talk about writing together, but nothing came of it until one day Paul mentioned that his father had been a New York City Fire Captain, stationed in Brooklyn.  That took me by surprise because my father had also retired from the New York City Fire Department; as Chief of the 32nd Battalion in Brooklyn.  We realized that our fathers must have known each other and worked together for years.  It was this, our common bond, that led me to ask Paul to write something about 9/11.  Time passed, and one day Paul’s lyrics entitled “Hand in Hand” showed up in my email.  I read them and I wept, and wept, and wept.The Lyrics:  Mayor Rudy Giuliani has said that the vision of 9/11 that haunts him the most is that of seeing people holding hands, as they jumped from the burning towers.  The reality is that those people chose to reach out and grasp another’s hand.  They chose not to be alone and they chose to take that step to escape the inferno that surrounded them.  Hence the title, “Hand in Hand”.   The lyrics written by Paul and Carol reflect the entire horrific situation through the eyes of a Christian.  “Take my hand”, “we’re not alone”, “now we’re one step from forever”, “I will never let you go”, “Hand in Hand”.   Think of the Firemen and all of the other rescuers who rushed into those burning towers to try and save those people.  Think of the thousands who will never come home and the thousands who are left to cry.  “In the twinkling of an eye”, “all has changed”.  The symbolism is unmistakable.  You don’t have to be a Christian to be touched by this; only human.  NEVER FORGET.The Music:  Throughout my life I have been involved with music in several different capacities, but it wasn’t until later in life that I began to dabble in composition.  Overwhelmed by these lyrics I started to write and play the notes which became motifs, melodies and accompaniment.  About eleven minutes long, the music is at once haunting, and heart wrenching, with a deep sense of despair; yet there is an underlying yearning for a positive resolution.  The structure has three sections (the Trinity?).  The first two are the same and the last is similar but with a change in both tempo and timbre.  Not exactly a traditional form, but the subject is not traditional either!  A positive resolution finally comes at the end with an uplifting key change from minor to major, a sign of hope.  The music is fused to the lyrics and is intended to touch, to reflect, and to remind us of that moment.  “All has changed”.  NEVER FORGET.

-Harold Roeder Jr.

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