I wrote this Thursday 13 September 2001 and added on in 2008 while deployed and then again in 2010. I am still proudly serving in the United States Air Force.

America is filled with pride
For a day when thousands died
Innocently ripped from their lives
By some guys who were holding cargo knives
We shout, weep, and all feel the chills of freedom;
You know the ones,
Where you get goose bumps from saluting or standing
For the National Anthem.
Images frozen in our minds, young and old.
In fifty years the stories will still be told
Of this day so morbid and tragic,
And of the American Spirit, how it IS magic!
This has gripped Americans one and all,
But it is someone else who will take the fall.
Thank you! To our anonymous assassin,
You have strongly united an entire nation!
You are the one who will go down for this
For the lovers, mothers, fathers and children
Who were not spared one last kiss.
America the Beautiful is now America the slain
Halted only for a moment to deal with pain
The hustle and bustle will NEVER stop
And as always, we will come out on top!
With the USA, you shouldn't have MESSED!
Because America is united, strong, proud and Blessed!
…2008 Seven years later and we are here…
Some agree with pride; some disagree without fear
We will be here for some time to say the least
Dropping bombs on target to slay the beast
No matter what your position; it is your right
For me personally, I came to fight!
...2010 Nine years later and a mosque has us torn,
let us not forget on what our beautiful country was born!
Mary Grace Circe

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