And it came to pass that morning had come, the sun climbed to a bright summer day,

I put on my shoes and hurried the coffee, scurrying about-eager to be on my way.

In this bright, vibrant, exciting city - all noise and hustle and bustle of life

This was ours, ours for the taking. Did anyone say it would end in such strife?

Hold the elevator you called as I looked over my shoulder

Your laughing eyes caught mine-How could we know we would not get much older?

We rode that steel cage over one hundred floors, laughing and joking over so many things

We were friends, we were colleagues, we had secrets, yes secrets that only such closeness brings.

From our windows we saw our city before us, stretched out, never ceasing to grow

We knew there were noises and sirens and cabs and people like ants far, far below.

But here was our office, our place in the world where we worked and we smiled – and all life unfurled.

Then suddenly a noise from the heavens we heard, that encompassed
our thoughts and our feelings. What was it? What was it? What had just occurred?

An unknown terror struck at my soul as desks and computers started to fall

Help us, someone cried in the distance. Get out, said another. GET OUT came the call.

We looked at each other, your eyes no longer smiling - Come on take my hand you said as we ran

I grabbed my bag quickly, we made for the door, there were many around us as our journey began.

It had come to pass that a new day was dawning but this was the last for you and for me,

Yours fingers entwined mine as floors started falling. Smoke and now darkness was all I could see.

We were friends, we were colleagues, we had secrets between us but now it was not just you and me.

All hell broke out in that tomb of a building as we rushed for our lives, not wanting to stay.

Outside the world watched in absolute horror as the sun climbed higher on that bright summer’s day.

But for you and for me and all those around us time edged its way out of our life.

Quickly death came as buildings toppled, as workers together we made that sacrifice.

Crushed bodies mean little as spirits fly, I am with you my friend wherever that be,

As we rise with the sun we are all friends together but especially for you and especially for me.

Molly deJong-Knox. © 2003

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