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When we learned about The Freedom Quilt Experience, we were immediately drawn to being active participants.

Helen: By taking part in this project, I hope that I took time to remember those who perished, as well as the hundreds of people who suffer now from ill health and trauma, because they worked at the sites as emergency providers and/or clean-up specialists. I asked a friend, Netta W. Toll, if she wanted to work on one of the panels. She agreed and we were assigned panel #6. Working on the project enhanced my sewing skills and led to learning I did not expect.

Netta: The attack that took place on American soil on September 11, 2001, forever changed my perception of reality.
The sense of security I felt my husband and I nurtured was shattered in the span of one day. Over these ten years I have come to accept many changes in the world, but continue to mourn with those who lost friends, family and loved ones on that fateful day, and I still pray for the possibility of peace.

The panel represents our humble effort to offer