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September 11, 2001, January 28, 1986, November 22, 1963 and December 7, 1941 are days that every American remembers exactly where they were and what they were doing when they first heard the news. After each event Americans unified in their anger, despair, astonishment, sorrow, and hope. Who can forget the unity, respect, and tolerance Americans exhibit toward each other in the aftermath of such great national tragedies?

Hopefully The Freedom Quilt Experience will provoke our memory and remind us, even if just for a fleeting moment, how we Americans are always able to come together for a common purpose without compromising our unique differences when the need arises.

Achieving a common purpose from unique differences is reflected in the quilt panels that make up The Freedom Quilt Experience. It is truly amazing how individuals from all different backgrounds and locations, working in isolation with only a concept to guide them, created totally unique quilts that when put together form a unified background.

We are honored to have been chosen to participate in this project. As the long arm quilter, we were privileged to contribute to not just one, but every quilt panel. We want to recognize the beautiful, amazing results produced from the time and effort of all the quilters. And we truly hope our contribution enhances those efforts. We especially want to recognize and thank Cynthia Martin for contacting us and for how she was able to organize the project in such a short time.