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When Rocky Mountain Wa Shonaji Quilt Guild was approached by Cynthia Martin about participating in the quilt project for the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11, without hesitation we immdiately answered the call. Each of us recalled where we were on September 11, 2001 when the Twin Towers were attacked, the diverted airplane crash in Shanksville, PA and the attack on the Pentagon. We wanted to do our part to commemorate that horrific day in our lives, the lives of all the citizens of the United States, and around the world.

We felt a sense of sisterhood and pride as we worked together on the 9/11 project. Ideas were presented, ideas were expanded upon, and those ideas soon became a reality. There was such a sense of harmony within the group as we worked together on the project. The synergy within the group reminded us of how people helping people was so critical and how it enabled many trapped in the Twin
Towers to get out safely, as well as the heroic acts performed in Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon in Washington, DC.

When the two panels we worked on were completed, we realized that the project had given us much more than an opportunity to heal hearts. We are proud to be Americans and proud to be members the Wa Shonaji Quilt Guild where our motto is: Each One Teach One.

Brenda Ames, Camilla Edwards, Pennie Estrada, Camille Gary, Elorise Hawkins, Artie Johnson, Reniese Johnson, Nannette Locke, Janet Mayfield, Pat Moore, Althea Redd, Barbara Robinson, Jeanette Sanderson, Mary Sharp, Helen Stubblefield, Connie Turner, Karen VonPhul, Marcia Walker (Panel Designer), Milinda Walker, Joanne Walton, and Ann Worsencroft (Group Coordinator)