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This drawing was done by one of my Art Students on Sunday Sept. 11, 2011.

When Anna Mendelson came with her little brother to take the usual art class we were watching the memorial footage on the news, and i was sad and crying. I asked my 6 year old student, Anna if she wanted to draw New York today in the memory of what happened. She said: Sure. She also asked why those people did that, and who were they. I could not give her any specific answers, except "because they are bad".

Anna did not want to show the airplane, and fire, instead she chose to draw what it looked like before the tragedy. She used happy bright colors, and made a symbol in the sky - a Fruit Plate - as she explained with a Heart.
We would be honored if her art work will be included in the memorial museum. People all over the world care and feel for those who left this world and their families who stayed. This is small way to show that we care.

Luba Borun, Wheeling, IL - 34 years old - Art Teacher