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On Sept 11 2001 when I watched the towers fall and for days afterwards I was haunted by the falling towers images that I watched on TV. For days after I could not sleep well. I cried each day. I know no one that died that day but ten years later I am still touched deeply by the deaths of all those people. The painting i did was inspired by the horror of watching the towers fall over and over. It has 3 paintings as a whole. The painting depicts 2 purple towers and a cascade of paint at the bottom painting. The three paintings also represent the three buildings that fell. I can not hang these paintings and it bothers me deeply to look at them.However I can not seem to part with them either. I sold them 2 years ago and went back to the place that I sold it and bought the painting back.

I would love to donate this painting to the trade towers site if they would like to have it i would gladly do so.