This is a day the world will remember,

It was a warm autumns day in the beginning of September.

People were working, school bells ringing,

Skies were blue, birds were singing.

A loud noise suddenly appears in the distance,

Americans stopped on the last day of existence.

A plane came down with so much power,

The plane was to crash into the first twin tower.

The crash was terrifying,

New York stopped to stare,

They’re praying to god, but god wasn’t there.

The second plane came down with so much force,

None of the terrorists felt any remorse.

A minute went by, nothing but silence,

The world was in shock from all this violence.

The first tower then came tumbling down,

The dust was thick, it covered the town.

The second tower then did follow,

People hiding behind cars sobbed in sorrow.

The civilians on those planes are known as heroes,

The fire-fighters, the police force,

From two towers to zero.

Every year we remember this day,

The people in the towers, the people on those planes.

Now they have left us and have all gone to heaven,

It’s devastating this happened on 9/11.

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