Its Tuesday the 11th of September 2001, my 6am radio alarm has just introduced the start of a brand new day;
Through my bedroom window I see the rising sun glimmer across the Big Apples skyline, before it shines across the face of my beautiful fiancée.

I kiss her gently on the forehead as not to wake her, after a quick shower & shave I stand facing my reflection, straightening up my tie;
I pick up my briefcase and keys, before blowing a kiss towards my sleeping angel, whilst whispering “goodbye”.

For the first time ever my car starts on the first attempt, as I reverse down my driveway the radio speakers beat out Eminem’s “Stan”;
I make my way slowly down my street, and send a wave towards my mail man.

It must be my lucky day, as a green traffic light greets me at the end of each and every single block;
For the first time in a month I won’t be late for work, as my car radio echoes out “it’s Tuesday the 11th of September, the time is now 8 o’clock.

The bustling streets greet me after parking my car, walking into the giant skyscrapers shadows leaves me stuck in the morning shade;
Towering over me is the building where I work, may I present to you all, the North tower of the World Trade.

A tired looking businessman asks me to hold the elevator, before we make our way up to the 76th floor;
I grab myself a coffee as I stare across Manhattans skyline, looking over all that I adore.

My mobile phone vibrates, a text from my Fiancée, I smile as it reads “YOU’RE LOVE MAKES ME FEEL JUST LIKE A BUTTERFLY”;
Just then a flash of blue through the window attracts my attention, it looks just like an aeroplane, flying dangerously low across the New York city sky.

It felt like someone had just pressed the pause button on life, as everyone’s frozen eyes are glued on the only object moving, this giant falling plane;
Fear freezes me to where I stand, as regrets, goodbyes and prayers are all echoing through my brain.

A silent tear falls down my cheek, my heart beat is racing and it’s pulsating to attack;
Just then a wave of immense heat and pain engulfs my dreams, then everything goes black…


Its Tuesday the 11th of September 2001, as my 6am radio alarm is greeted by me slapping down the snooze;
I see the rising sun glimmer across the Big Apples skyline, and then across the face of my beautiful Fiancée, this is too special a moment to just ignore and lose.

I kiss her gently on the forehead and give her a hug, as she slowly opens her eyes up from the night;
She stretches and yawns, whist I whisper “morning beautiful, did you sleep alright”.

She lies in my arms as we watch the sunrise, until she says “you better move your ass & get ready, or your boss will put your head on a stake”;
I jump up not realising the time, my Fiancée is laughing as I shout out “Fuck it I’m not rushing, what difference is half an hour going to make”.

After a quick shower I stand facing my reflection, as my future wife straightens up my tie;
She giggles and says “stop panicking your only half an hour late” before giving me a kiss goodbye.

My fiancée is laughing again, as my car is just not willing to start;
I shout out “babe, stop laughing and help me, it’s only morning and my day is already falling apart”.

Pacing the front lawn awaiting my over priced taxi to arrive;
In this concrete jungle everyday is a struggle, to just succeed and survive.

The word unlucky would sum up my morning so far, as the silent taxi driver conveniently hits every single red light, causing yet another wait;
I can’t believe how late I am, as the taxi radio echoes out “it’s Tuesday the 11th of September, the time is now half past Eight.

The bustling morning streets greet me as I jog down the block, as the giant buildings shadow hides’ lower Manhattan in the shade;
I check my watch for the hundredth time, its 0845am, as I finally make my way towards the entrance into the World Trade.

Just as I reach out to open the entrance doors, a flash of blue from up above attracts my attention, it’s an plane flying dangerously low across the New York sky;
The world then fell into silence, as people stood motionless facing the heavens, mouths open, and throats dry.

It felt like someone had just pressed the pause button on life, as everybody’s frozen eyes are glued on the only object moving, this giant falling plane;
Fear freezes me to the concrete, as worry, fear and panic rushes through my brain.

Fear brings me to my knees, as a thunderous smashing explosion blocks out the morning sun;
Flames mix in with metal and glass, as they fall from the heavens I cover my head with my arms and run.

Panicking citizens are running everywhere, as the emergency service sirens blend into all the screams and cries;
As I run through the manic streets, I see another plane come crashing down into the second tower, after falling from the blue skies.

I run until my legs give way, I’m shaking like a leaf, as I sit watching the burning towers I think, if I had arrived to work on time that could have been me;
This letter is dedicated to all the victims of 9/11, who couldn’t alter their destiny.


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