Day of Ash 4.jpg
Details -

"Day of Ash" -
Words and Music -
Hank Nowicki Jr.....
They sailed right through her blue and spacious skies...
Right on past her unsuspecting eyes...
A golden torch points toward a broken wing....
Shimmers upon a church bell that starts to ring....
They soared right through this flight of morning doves....
Casting shadows as they passed above....
What soon began in a single blinding flash....
Has become our September day of ash....
And people rise up through the fall....
Huddled masses hear the call....
Through the ashen covered spire....
I can hear angelic choirs....
Through the shattered glass and steel....
I see places oh so real....
Through the rubble of the towers....
I see golden summer flowers....
Clouds of ash fall upon this sacred ground....
Upon granite markers etched with the lost and found....
Candles burn bright the prayers of sacrifice....
Where thousands of souls have paid for paradise....
Flashlights winding through the dark....
Search and try to make their mark....
And heroes at the scene....
Race up stairs that start to lean....
Through the shattered glass and steal....
I see places oh so real....
Through the rubble of the towers....
I see golden summer flowers....
Tattered banners start to rise....
Waving high above her eyes....
Fields of blue and battered red....
Clinging to the stars unshed....
Fields of blue and battered red....
Clinging to the stars they'll never shed....
Clinging to the stars they'll never shed....