How Could They?

The World was asleep, just going through its paces
People working, some sleeping: some going to school.
Some walking, playing sports, some just watching TV
People planning their future, like marriages or holidays,
Some planning having children, and other big events.

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

Our World rudely awoken that crisp Tuesday morning
A loud noise, confusion, some fear, then just shock.
They didn’t know what was happening, what to do, where to go.
Smoke, flames, a hole, confusion, some silent, some screaming
Some looked up, it was terrible, worse still some looked down.

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

Eight forty seven, Flight Eleven, Tower One, terrible accident
Nine o two, Flight One Seven Five, Tower Two, Oh my God!
Nine forty one, Flight Seventy Seven, Pentagon, not there also?
Ten exactly, Flight Ninety Three crashes down in a field.
Some were young, some were old, good and bad, none were saved.

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

It was lunchtime in England and I had a meeting,
Someone in the office said: “turn on the news”.
We listened in horror, buy didn’t really realise
The events of that day were a bookmark on our page.
I went home, watched the pictures. That was worse.

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

Many Fireman, Policeman, Doctors and Nurses,
Paramedics, office workers, volunteers of all kind.
They worked tirelessly and selflessly, desperately almost blind;
True heroes, lives saved, many wounded and scarred;
Worse still many paid the ultimate price.

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

That night we found out just how close it really was:
Michelle’s uncle was a passenger on flight One-Seven-Five.
Even four thousand miles away we aren’t spared as victims
Though thankfully for us we are saved by “the pond”.
The distance somehow makes it worse, we are helpless.

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

Every day since that day it’s the topic of conversation
With everyone moved to emotions of scale
Some anger, some sorrow, some mourning their loved ones,
Some defiant, some vengeful, and some just confused.
A question unanswered: what really happened that day?

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

The father, the son, the brother, the sister,
A husband, a wife, all reminded each day.
The partner and lover, an Uncle, a nephew,
The niece and the cousin, the colleagues and friends:
All hurt everyday, no escape from the loss.

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

It’s Wednesday today, one year on and it’s sunny,
The senses are different somehow, not quite dulled.
But one year on it still hurts, confuses, many questions.
Friends are kind, give strength, but what can you say?
One year on and we still can’t give it a reason.

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

One year on we’re still trying to give it a reason,
One year on and the hurt seems worse than before.
One year on we’re still hoping to give it a reason
One year on like many others we’re just aching to know:
Why and How could they? Oh! Why did they?

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

But now all we wonder: How could they?
Why did they?
Please somebody tell us: why did they?
How could they?

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?

It’s sad and uncanny the magnifying powers of a date.
Another year on: still so painful for some.
All in all during the day I think we managed O.K.
It’s the second anniversary, nine-eleven, ground zero.
We watched the news, saw the scene, felt the emotions: did it help?

Everyday we still wonder: how could they?
Why did they?
Not a day passes by without asking:
How could they?

I heard the reporter saying, “For some the Earth here is sacred”
I know that we want to visit that place.
Will we hate it? Is it sacred? Will it somehow bring comfort?
I believe, hope and pray that it is and it does.
We’re planning a trip in December: we’ll see.

Everyday we still wonder: how could they?
Why did they?
Not a day passes by without asking:
How could they?

That day changed our World, look what’s happened. Why did they?
Did they know from how many they were going to steal love?
In the night sky stars shine brightly: like spirits, like angels,
I know that there’s one there watching down upon us.
See the smile? Feel the presence? The charisma? He’s peaceful.

Everyday we still wonder: how could they?
Why did they?
Not a day passes by without asking:
How could they?

We didn’t use to wonder: how could they?
Why Should we?
Now all we ask is: how could they?
Why did they?


Chris Judge, England.
For Michelle and Sheila.
Dedicated to the memory of a loving Uncle and Brother
Garnet Edward “Ace” Bailey. (June 13, 1948 – September 11, 2001)

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