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I painted a series of these images of the NY Harbor from Staten Island, with the Towers in the far back, during the 1980s from a building near the ferry. New York, so close and yet so far away. I had worked at the Trade center in 1976 for NYS. My desk was next to the window and in the late afternoon, when my work was finished for the day, I did paint sketches of the sea and sky. Of course, I remember the exact time when the towers were hit. I was in a waiting room at my doctor's office and was watching TV. When they showed the first hit, I thought, " how could they miss not seeing that tower???" When the second plane hit, I realized that this was not a terrible mistake. I could only feel fear and ran home to my high rise apartment and frantically cleaned it to try to get some order in my life.
Naturally, I was terrified. Where was there to run if this was war? I didnt dare to go out and didnt think to watch the horror from Bay St, which was not far away. Three days later, in the evening, i took the ferry over to look around. I was in my very own horror film.