This is hallowed, precious ground that I’m silently, respectfully and gingerly stepping upon
I can feel the souls of those who perished those sorrowful, hateful days in ’93 and nine-eleven
My pulse vibrates with their desire, their love and passion for family, friends and for living life
‘Twas hardly dimmed by those dragging hours of unspeakable horror, murder and strife

My emotions rise and fall, tears fill my eyes before going through the shrine’s security
I pause to reflect on those innocent, unsuspecting victims of each hate-driven calamity
I can touch their names, inscribed in bronze around the refreshing twin Memorial Pools
They’re just like me, God’s children who were working hard and following life’s rules

The peaceful, majestic waters cascading into the pools ease our sorrow and our fears
Their droplets sparkle in the sunshine and lights, symbolizing our sweat and tears
The Survivor Tree – its branches crushed and stump scorched on 9/11– is now bedecked in green and vegetation
Saluting survivors, the 30-foot high plant reflects man’s spirit of renewal and overcoming conflagration

The 9/11 and ’93 passengers, workers, responders and children will not have left us in vain
‘Cause they serve as an inspiration for us to rebuild, and overcome the terror, hurt and pain
To my right, to my left I see imposing, gleaming towers soaring toward the wild blue yonder
Their lofty glass and steel mark yet another of New York City’s points of interest and wonder

The construction professionals and engineers feel so blessed to be working at this revered site
They repair the crevice and mankind’s hearts with accurate planning, sweat, muscle & might
The progress they’ve made, the emotions they manage, we salute their tremendous achievement
Their finished products and the ones they’re still completing help us manage our bereavement

America’s enemies thought they’d bring our society to its knees by taking down the twin towers?
Instead they’ve reignited our passion to replant Lower Manhattan with beautiful, resilient “flowers”
New Yorkers, Americans and all of mankind will always recover from devastation and discord
Because the Lord Almighty has instilled in us the fortitude to remain forever upright and skyward

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