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This is a song called "Dust Angels," written and performed by Jesseca Turner on the 5th anniversary of 9/11 when she was a student at Rye High School in Westchester. Several Rye residents died in the World Trade Center disaster and were deeply affected by the tragedy, and on the 5th anniversary of the terror attack, I gave my students an optional project in which they could create something related to that tragic event. Jesseca Turner is an extremely talented musician, and she decided to write and perform a song about 911. The song was inspired by the story of a young boy in Westchester who lost his father on 911, and each year on September 11th, the boy and his mom send a balloon up into to the sky to honor his dad. A few of Jesseca's classmates made a video to go along with her song. I truly believe that the song "Dust Angels" that Jesseca Turner wrote and performed is the ultimate tribute to the victims of 911. It is obviously very sad, but it is also an inspiring tribute to the people who left us on that day.