The biggest tragedy was in New York City,

WTC, hardest hit

They thought they had wit

Trying to knockout the Pentagon they didn’t succeed

People did die, also did bleed,

The Pentagon was damaged, but not leveled out

The terrorist continue to scout

To make other 911's throughout the world

Just like animals living in a burrow

They are always seeking different sites

To blow up buildings with great heights

In Madrid, Spain killing 191 people blowing up a train

Injuring, wounding 1,800 Al Qaeda was the blame

52 killed and injuring 770 in London, in subways and on the bus

People seeking shelter made a mad rush

Everyone saying they blend in among us

The attack on the US destroyer Cole

They may think they have a strong hold Like the World Trade Center, thousands were killed

Throughout the world plenty of blood was spilled

For the time has to come to stop the terrorist

Such as the Al Qaeda and Islamic Extremists

To make their powers so thin,

To blow them off the earth, like a gust of wind

That the world should get together to gain the power

That this enemy wouldn’t be able to fight for one hour

To make them so very weak,

That all the 911’S of this world, we will beat.

By Seymour Berger

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