Questioning the balance of existence
Their assiduously cultivated plans
Bespoke of Jihad against Western Ways

Taking advantage of our ethnic Vulnerability
“Give me your tired, your poor” –
They slipped in unseen

And in casual disregard
They willingly embraced oblivion
Calmly delivering a mortifying
Shattering blow neath uncaring skies
Bringing down our Leviathans
Of Trade and Commerce

In that moment of ruin and despair
Our naivety of cultural diversity snapped

And amidst the pandemonium
Of fire, dirt and distress
And in sight of an ambivalent future
Laid in ashes
Something wondrous happened

We found our Holy Grail…
Our crossbow and shield

Evident in the fortitude of Storming Heroes
Arriving ubiquitously
Giving thickly of their own lives
To countermand the devastation
And stop the hemorrhaging of freedom

Out of anger and outrage
Through tears and fears
Like a shining Phoenix we arose
Charged with renewed spirit
Fortified in faith
Ready to stand sentinel to a world in dire need

For we finally remembered who we are…
The Brotherhood that is America

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