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I wrote this song and produced this slideshow as my personal memorial to September 11,2001. For me, it provides a lasting memory of the human loss, sacrifice and heroism that made 9/11 such global inspiration. One World Trade Tower, the Memorial Museum and the surrounding grounds are a perfect tribute. It's my hope that it touches your heart and that we all will never forget American resiliency at its best. For me, 9/11 isn't only about the death and destruction--it's about how we all came together for what seemed to be a month and grieved as one. This goes out to all of the poor souls on Flights,11,175,93 & 77,in the World Trade Towers, those on the ground,as well as,their surviving family members...the inspiration of 9/11 will live on. Please pass this along to anyone that you know who was touched by 9/11.