This is a poem entitled "Loved Ones" in memory of the fallen on September 11, 2001.

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As loved ones voiced an affirmation of love for all to hear,
the destinations of many were momentarily interposed for all to see.
But whosoever called upon His name, were instantaneously redeemed
for all to know He is merciful and in control.

Lives were shattered for all to feel,
but hearts were blessed for all to know
that after the search, there was a Deliverer.

With desolation abound, the shadow of death apparent,
darkened passages filled with ashes, debris, and clouds of smoke and steam,
angels cried out “how much longer?”

But the way to the truth of eternal life is still the blessed hope
for all who have faith.
And one glorious day, He will come back and every eye will see Him.

Loved ones are yearning and many are sadden for a void is now present.
Images are posted for all to view as offspring and friends of the missing are crying out “has anyone seen my beloved?”

But the brokenhearted will be sustained for all to know
that there is a Comforter
whose grace fills desperate hearts with peace and joy that no other can do.

Stand firm. Hold on. Be vigilant.
Lift up holy hands and call on the name of Jesus.
He is faithful. All are accounted for.

And one glorious day, believers will be united in mid-air for all to see
that our destination is unchangeable.
Heirs to the kingdom will be crowned, and never again
will sadness be known to His saints.