Tribute With Tears
On 911 we do commemorate every year
We do strongly love those who were so close and always near
The memories we have of them stays in our minds
We look up at heaven and see faces that shines
For the brightness that comes from the peaceful sky
That enters our feelings will never die
Most of the time I do reminisce
To say good night with a kiss
For things we have done
Like going to the range firing a gun
Teaching our child or children how to ride a bike
What about going fishing and going a long hike
You loved that ice skating
When we first started dating
You loved to travel to many places
Funny as it was you had to keep tying your shoes laces
So much pleasure in everything we did
No one will ever take your place I must admit
My obligation is coming here to this special ceremony
I do feel all alone and very lonely
So when I come up to the mike to call out names
I see different people here with walkers and canes
When I do call your name I feel I’m shaken
It’s so difficult for me why your life was taken
In a million years I couldn’t believe this would happen
So many watery eyes, everybody here so sadden
Lost someone for no reason at all ,such emptiness
That we look upon this in being so heartless
I give my tribute with tears
You will live in my heart for endless years
By Seymour Berger

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