Tears fall
into waterfalls.
Spirits roam about town
while former building’s foundation stays.
Twin towers are reincarnated into pools of water.

An empty square hole sitting in the middle of a still stream
should be filled with SOMETHING.

So uncontrollably tears fall into waterfalls
Recalling vibrancy from a former life
with worker’s laughter during lunch breaks.
Now the twin’s heart aches, while water quenches their thirst,
remembering that people’s life stories first occupied vacant spaces.
Now unfamiliar faces stare contemplating absence.

Spirits roam about town,
while a building of air
stays standing alone on an island
while other buildings congregate
into a city’s landscape.

So tears fall into waterfalls,
uncontrollably weeping waterfalls.
Singing songs of lamentation,
while staying at a solitary station
longing for lively spirits to inhabit home,
so waterfalls fall while weeping and moaning.

Reminiscing days of reaching for clouds,
staying with ghosts who fought fires of terror,
as memories remain as names
engraved in stone.

Tears fall
into waterfalls,
emerging as white doves
descending into former buildings’ foundations.

Tears fall
into waterfalls.
fall into tears.

Details -

A poem on the World Trade Center Memorial