We Are Strong

When all was done on the longest day
So many hearts were broken
Lives taken away

Left confused, in disbelief
Who could be this cruel
To cause this grief

What was meant to be an act
To bring us down
Made us search within ourselves for what we’d lost, then found…

We are strong
We are free
We are anything we want to be
We are strong
We are free
And we are standing tall… for all the world to see.

Before the fires’ final flame
In our hearts we knew
we’d never be the same

As Angels climbed towards heavens light
The ground below slipped away
But their wings took flight

They have not gone in vein
And they know their cause was just
Trading souls has inspired the rest of us…

We are strong
We are free
We are anything we want to be
We are strong
We are free
And we are standing tall for all the world to see.

Inspired by those who’ve come before
Our pride will remain
We march to the beat of a different drum
But one heart beating the same…

Lyrics by Gary Kilgore
Music by Gary Kilgore & Dale Kilgore  Copyright 2001

Details -

I wrote the lyrics to this song in about 1 hour one morning shortly after we went into Afghanistan. I hope you enjoy the lyrics and the song.

Gary and Dale Kilgore