Always Remember,
The events of the 11th of September,
The events will live with us all.

Always Remember,
The two planes crushing into the tall shiny buildings, The black, thick smoke rising toward the clear blue sky. Both buildings, One after the other, collapsed and fell to the ground in a cloud of dust.

The sound of sirens of fire trucks racing toward the fireball that erupted on that peaceful day.

The sight of panic, stricken people running in all directions to get away from the burning buildings.
The gray, ash filled city of New York looked like something out of a movie, but this was NOT a movie. A movie can be forgotten in a day or two whereas September 11, 2001 will always be remembered.
On this day, all Americans were united for one cause.

Always Remember,
The fathers, Mothers, Sisters and Brothers who perished on that day. Let us not forget the ones lost and let us not forget the ones that must go on.

Always Remember,
The events of the 11th of September.

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