This world and life is a gift from our creator
Out of the millions of people some became a hater
There are some that act like a vicious gator
The terrorist is an outright slayer
The Lord never stopped us in what we wanted to be
Looking into the eyes of a terrorist, you could see no honesty
The word trouble is born
It seems when the harm does come, you are never warn
For anyone who wants to start a war
We should be the first ones to drop a bomb at their door
Our homes we must protect
No one shall ever destroy it or make it into a wreck
You should be able to walk down any street
Security should halt any wrong doing you may meet
No matter where you travel from New York City to Paris
There may be a derange person in disguise among us
Danger is everywhere doesn’t always show
Even living in New York City or elsewhere be on your toes
For the terrorist that hit New York City, came from overseas
And did what they did will be knocked to their knees
The United States will run them down
They will be abolished and never found
This planet is God’s creation
All countries should have peace, love and respect for a lasting duration
By Seymour Berger

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