The Brave Ones Of 911

The deadly plane made a direct hit
Into tower one where it did sit
The second tower got hit as well
Panic on the streets and people did yell
Fire, smoke came from towers above
Screaming and crowds did shove
Major alarms called in for the needed help
Firemen, police rush to aid before the buildings would melt
Firemen rushing up the stairs with heavy gear
Even though their lives were at stake, rescue was near
Policemen searching all a round
Their safety was in danger even on the ground
Police cars and fire truck sirens loud and clear
Speeding as fast as they could, showed no fear
The only thing on their mind was to save, people in trouble
Fighting against time against a bursting bubble
Countless people caught inside
They couldn’t find any place to hide
Firemen tried with all their might
To get them out became a fruitless fight
Everyone disappeared,
Rescuers looked and had a fear
As crumbling towers came down
Cops and firemen hearts did pound
Emergency equipment got destroyed
It just couldn’t be avoided
Unspeakable sight it became
A ball of fire , turning into a huge flame
Destroying everything in its path
Insanely person that cause this wrath
His judgment day will come
In what he has done
The Brave Ones Of 911,were turned into dust
Trying to save many lives, that are no longer with us
Now in God’s paradise they are
Each one of them became a shining star
For the light you see
Will never go out for you or me

By Seymour Berger

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