
Arrived at my house the phone did ring

Ran to answer it, I tripped on something

It was the police calling me

Police said the attack was deadly,

There is mass destruction at his work place

I’m very sorry what you have to face

If he was alive, it would be a miracle

The shock that hit me, made me hysterical

My neighbor came over I cried so hard on her shoulder

I was crushed and speechless

My mouth was frozen, I felt so helpless

Never realizing when I left my home

Like a bad dream I’m all alone

That bad dream became a reality

When I was told he was a casualty

For the message that I received

It’s so difficult to believe I’m so broken up on the inside

The way I look and feel, I just can’t hide

My sorrow was so deep,

A lot of the times I would weep

Time is a great healer,

As each day passes I feel better

It is very hard, in what has occur

For my birthday he bought me a coat, which was a fur

The picture of him stays in my mind

He was so loving and kind

I’m starting to get back, staying strong

For the stress I had stood with me long

I went to see where the towers were

My eyes began to blur

Filling up with tears

The pain just spears

Right through me,

That you can see

All those families in my shoes

They were called on that upsetting news

From this dreadful thing that has struck here

Has taken so many lives that was so worthy and dear

By Seymour Berger

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