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On 9/11 a tragedy befell our city, perpetuated by a power of evil.

Feelings of the brutality of the world have roots in my past. I make repeated attempts of painting on the subject of human suffering. I got this idea because I was raised and lived in a small shtatel Klintsi, in Russia, and memories about the war, about the Holocaust, were not something remote for me, like something just in books. It was a part of our family’s life. I wanted to share a memory that I found impossible to forget.

Art bears responsibility for safeguarding memory and compelling moral conviction. I believed it was necessary to prolog, for as long as possible, the reminder of 9/11 tragedy and what could have been the “final solution”. In the blaze World Trade Center towers, in the ghettos, on their way to the graves, the victims were isolated from entire world. It was their last wish that the world know what they went through.